Facts from "In Debt We Trust"
"In Debt We Trust" is another interesting movie on the debt crisis by Director Danny Schecter. Visit the website at http://www.indebtwetrust.com Total number of Americans: 300,000,000. Total consumer debt in America: $3,000,000,000,000 (3 trillion). Average debt per U.S. Household: $30,000. Number of households not paying off their credit card balances each month: 6 in 10.
Consumer bankruptcies in 1980: 287,463. Consumer bankruptcies in 2004: 1,500,000, a 422% increase. Net profit percentage annually by the major credit card companies: 54%
The average college student graduates with $30,000 in student loan debt and another $20,000 in additional consumer debt.
Labels: avoid bankruptcy, credit cards, debt, get out of debt, Movies, student loans
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