My Average Debt Negotiation Client: How do you compare?
My average client who has entered the debt negotiation program 2007 year to date has an income of $47,600, credit card/unsecured debt of $29,839 for a unsecured debt to income ratio (excluding mortgage and vehicles) of 62.7%.
If they continued to just make minimum payments on this unsecured debt, this average individual would pay roughly $89,500 to the credit card companies and banks, roughly 3 times their current balances by the time their loans were paid off.
We project we will negotiate this average debtor to roughly $19,395 with no interest and each individual has the choice of a 18 to 36 month payoff to become debt free. This would be a monthly payment of $540 for 36 months ranging to $1,080 for 18 months. This would save this average client roughly $70,100 versus continuing to pay minimum payments each month for the next 17-18 years to get out of debt, IF they never charged another penny to their cards.
Call Roger Foulks, M.B.A., Senior Debt Consultant at 941-320-0818 for more information and a consultation about this lawyer-led program and your personal situation.
Labels: avoid bankruptcy, credit, credit cards, debt, debt assistance, debt payoff.debt help, debt reduction, get out of debt, negotiated debt savings, no interest on debt negotiation program, unsecured debt
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