Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Debt Negotiation and 0% Interest

We are a "qualification office" located in Bradenton, Manatee County, Florida, working with a law firm that has negotiated debt with the major credit card companies and banks nationwide since 1995, with a spotless Better Business Bureau file (no consumer complaints).
The law firm contracts to reduce a client's total debt by 35% and while in the debt negotiation and reduction program, the client pays no interest.

Example: $10,000 in unsecured debt will be reduced to $6,500 and with no interest, the client can become debt free in 36 months for $185.00 per month. A set-up fee of $399.00 is the only additional fee.

If a consumer is trying to retire a $10,000 debt on their own by making minimum payments to the credit card companies, he or she will make payments for 17-20 years, depending on interest rate, and pay approximately three times the debt amount, or $30,000.

Therefore in this example, we will save the client approximately $23,000 versus making minimum payments

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Facts from "In Debt We Trust"

"In Debt We Trust" is another interesting movie on the debt crisis by Director Danny Schecter. Visit the website at Total number of Americans: 300,000,000. Total consumer debt in America: $3,000,000,000,000 (3 trillion). Average debt per U.S. Household: $30,000. Number of households not paying off their credit card balances each month: 6 in 10.

Consumer bankruptcies in 1980: 287,463. Consumer bankruptcies in 2004: 1,500,000, a 422% increase. Net profit percentage annually by the major credit card companies: 54%

The average college student graduates with $30,000 in student loan debt and another $20,000 in additional consumer debt.

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Friday, May 11, 2007

My Average Debt Negotiation Client: What would $70,000 Savings in a Retirement Account Grow to?

In the example below, I projected an average savings of $70,000 for my average client over the next 17-18 years by using our debt negotiation program versus making minimum payments on their unsecured debt. Would not this savings be better in a retirement account?

Using a 10% average compounded return which is historically correct for a balanced stock portfolio, my projections say that this average client could build a retirement nest egg of $148,000 by investing the savings from our debt negotiation program, rather than paying the credit card companies 17-30% rates over the next 17 years.

This of course assumes that this client never uses credit cards and other unsecured debt again, which of course is our advice.

We ourselves have made this commitment, as we would rather enjoy this nest egg of $148,000, rather than be out $70,000. That is a swing of $218,000. Is it any wonder that we are warned consistently about the dangers of credit cards and other secured debt?

Roger would be happy to show and explain these projections with you. Call 941-320-0818 for a consultation.

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My Average Debt Negotiation Client: How do you compare?

My average client who has entered the debt negotiation program 2007 year to date has an income of $47,600, credit card/unsecured debt of $29,839 for a unsecured debt to income ratio (excluding mortgage and vehicles) of 62.7%.

If they continued to just make minimum payments on this unsecured debt, this average individual would pay roughly $89,500 to the credit card companies and banks, roughly 3 times their current balances by the time their loans were paid off.

We project we will negotiate this average debtor to roughly $19,395 with no interest and each individual has the choice of a 18 to 36 month payoff to become debt free. This would be a monthly payment of $540 for 36 months ranging to $1,080 for 18 months. This would save this average client roughly $70,100 versus continuing to pay minimum payments each month for the next 17-18 years to get out of debt, IF they never charged another penny to their cards.

Call Roger Foulks, M.B.A., Senior Debt Consultant at 941-320-0818 for more information and a consultation about this lawyer-led program and your personal situation.

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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

What about your mortgage?

Your mortgage needs to be paid, no doubt about it. Everything will be done to protect your assets and you must make these payments on time.

We recommend a program called MMA (Money Merge Account) to help you pay down your mortgage, save significant interest and accelerate your equity, without any necessary increase in your monthly budget expenditures. We have people that will pay off their 30-year mortgage in 8-11 years and save $100,000 and more in interest.

Review the MMA program at:

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New Documentary Movie about Debt Crisis

A new documentary movie has just been released called "Maxed-Out" which is a shocking review of the current U.S. debt crisis, and the actions of credit card companies and banks in dealing with debtors. Read all about it and watch clips from the movie at:
If you are facing a personal crisis, call Roger Foulks for help at 941-320-0818

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