Natural Phone Cautions
We do much of our debt consultation business over the phone lines nationwide. We understand everyone's natural cautions to scams and fraud. We DO NOT ask for account numbers or SS numbers over the phone. These are only supplied in legal paperwork to the arbitration firm doing your work. Remember, legally anyone has to tell you if you are being recorded. The ONLY thing we ever record is any payment agreement, and this is done for your protection and the firm's protection, it is announced, and it is completed by a Quality Assurance Representative.
You can search me by name "Roger Foulks" on all the search engines and you will see that I am not hiding, and can be found! We post on many networks trying to find people who need help and every posting we do shows up in the search engines, so feel free to search away.
Roger Foulks, M.B.A.,Anna Maria, Florida,941-320-0818
Labels: debt arbitration, debt assistance, debt consulting, debt negotiation program, debt phone consultations
debt negotiation I think lots of people are cautious as you mention. But more and more business is transacted via phone and internet. It's becoming accepted.
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