Friday, February 15, 2008

Annual Report: $6.4 Million Saved by 101 New Clients

Our average new client had $26,786 in credit card and other unsecured debt. By the average rules of making minimum payments to get out of debt, with high interest rates charged, it can take 20+ years to get out of debt, and if not another dime is ever charged, it can take 3X the money, or over $80,300 to become debt free in this manner - making only minimum payments monthly on this debt. If a client is 55 years old, they could be 75 years old before they are done, assuming they never charge another dime!

If you have fallen victim to interest rate increases of 20-25% because of "universal default pricing" by your credit card issuer(s), the news can be much worse! It can extend your minimum payments in some cases to over 100 years!

Our "average client" cited above (using their federal legal right to have their debt arbitrated) can be out of debt for an average of $16,670, with all interest, fees and penalties stopped, for an "average savings" of over $63,000.

Their lives have been changed for the better!

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